Saturday, 1 November 2014

MILEGE ACOUSTIC PROJECT; A discovery "channel"

Milege Afrojazz Band
Milege Acoustic Project is one of a kind that supports and nurtures new talent in the arts industry. An evening at the Makerere University Guest House with young  poets, instrumentalists, singers, story tellers, skit actors, rappers, name it, most of whom are university students, fresh graduates and soon to be campusers, is one of the best experiences of watching talents grow.
The Milege Acoustic Project has been gradually magnetically pulling young talents from all places around Makerere University and these days people are coming from as far as Mukono, Wakiso, some from Jinja and Entebbe, to come be part of the event every Thursday of the week. The event hosts all people from around the world, singing in different languages, playing different instruments in any music genre.

Milege Afrojazz Band shares stage with "graduates"
The stage at the Milege Acoustic Project is open to any one. You love music, love to sing, have sang before or not? You just take up the stage and astound the audience. The Milege Acoustic Project stars have covered different songs from new and old musicians and bands including, but not limited to, Celine Dion, Chaka Khan, Bebe Cool, Wes Madiko, Of Monsters and Men, The Script,Youssou N'Dour, Adele, Chris Brown, El Sueño de Morfeo.Original compositions have also been showcased by the "graduates" of the project.

The poets, story tellers, dancers, skit actors etc have also graced the Milege Acoustic Project stage with their mouth watering performances, leaving the crowds yearning for more.

The Fair Maiden with Rahma of stage
Stars already exist at the Milege Acoustic Project and some regular attendees always leave happy when their stars perform. The stars on most people's lips are Wake- a poet, Rahma - a dancer/singer, Maria - a singer, Bill - instrumentalist/singer, Josh - the king of mash-ups, the Bad Boys and the Fair Maiden.

Once in a while Uganda's new music sensation, Undercover Brothers Ug, perform on the same stage with their fans and Milege Afrojazz Band, the organizers of this project, usually close the event late in the night with their beautiful vocals and unique afro fusion instrumentation. Actually, every performer on this stage has a sweet voice and an electrifying performance thanks to the project's sound manager, who makes sure his systems are well tuned and never blackout in the middle of a performance

With a bonfire
While enjoying all this, Makerere University Guest House, one of the sponsors of the project, serves some delicious tea with snacks. There is also a bonfire and you can enjoy some really sweet roasts, sometimes fresh maize, nyama-choma etc.

 The Milege Acoustic Project events happen every Thursday at Makerere University Guest House starting from 7:30pm to 10:30pm and the entrance is absolutely free. It's the only show without an entry fee, but still worth going for.
For those who wish to rehearse with Milege, rehearsals start at 5pm till 7pm at Milege's Band room at Quarry House, behind the new Makerere University Library.

Find Milege Afrojazz Band on Reverbnation

The Audience enjoying a smooth performance

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